Shame on All Who Opposed the Bailout (+)
The Real Profiles in Courage, Heroes, and Truly Needy Who Were Saved

I cannot understand why there was the magnitude panic of phone calls, faxes, and emails from American Citizens to the President, United States Senators, and Congressman. Those who did this action just do not get the immediate crisis of need for the government financial bailout. There was an urgent need to further stop other Wall Street companies from failing. Other businesses being overlooked in the disaster did require a rescue from insolvency.

President Bush, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boerner, Barack Obama, and John McCain, as well as Democratic and Republican party bigwigs explained the calamity in depth without the tedious need for open public hearings and discussions. Unfortunately, the American citizenry did not listen or understand why there was this rush. Contributions and the need to provide fuel to those who govern our nation were on the verge of extinction.

Billions of Dollars in Campaign Cash had already been lost in the current and future needs for our elected Washington leaders. This was exemplified by the failure of Wachovia, AIG, Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, and Freddy Mac, Washington Mutual and others on the brink of going down. This would cut down on the number in the pool of those with dollars to spend for our elected leaders personal so called campaign accounts and needs. The Washington elected leaders had to act quickly and decisively before the well ran dry and most would be left out.

There was another segment of the economy that has been overlooked that was approaching a similar disaster and in need of rescue. The average American Citizen did not realize or show any compassion as not being in Washington. It should be reported these business and industries have been also rescued and should be recognized.
They include the companies that provide private jet planes that will again be available for personal use to those doing business or seeking influence from our elected leaders. There are many resorts, hotels, and golf courses that the influence peddlers do provide free of charge to our elected officials. Those expensive Washington caterers and restaurants hired for fund raisers have been saved. Those tuxedo rental, florists, and expensive clothing tailors will continue to provide their wares for the elected officials and influence people for all those lavish Washington parties and dinners.

Those right wing conservative and left wing talk show people and agitators such as Lou Dobbs and Ralph Nader should stop trying to incite the American Citizenry into action against any Wall Street Bailout or Washington Industries serving our elected officials, and mocking deep pocket lobbyist campaign contribution providers.

The American Economy and Standard of Living for the current America Citizenry and future generations is spiraling downward and will continue. Our Washington elected leaders have instituted this vision by their actions. Citizens are expected to support those results and expected to do more with less. Less healthcare, less financial security, less affordable food purchases and eating, less automobile use, less utility use, less home heating, less affordable educational prospects, and a lesser standard of living.

Our elected Washington Leaders are to be congratulated not only by the praise they constantly give themselves for their actions; they should also receive tribute from all American Citizens for the real Bailout they have accomplished for themselves personally and their allies future.

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