Herald Reports on new powerful Massachusetts Competitive Partnership big time Special Interest group skirting lobbying laws as the start of legislative law maker influence peddling on Beacon Hill.

This news article shows Special Interests win again and always able to skirt transparency in government operations.

So called reforms in wake of recent legislative lobbying scandals continue and the citizenry left with more Special Interest monies and Power Brokers able to ply self interests above public interest.

The writer of this news article should have recalled Ms. Wilmot of Common Cause was part of the so called public relations politically appointed fact finding group that came up with recommendations that spurred the new weak reforms. She and her group have no cause to now complain.

Time for real reforms in government. Bring back a true WEARD type commission that came about after the Government Center Scandals of the last century. Time for a real sanitation of Massachusetts Government where dedicated Public Service comes first